Labeling and drugging children for ADHD puts them at risk of serious side effects and teaches them they need a pill to...
Depression Articles
Depressed young adults not seeking treatment cite self-reliance, concerns over psychiatric drugs, involuntary commitment
The reasons many gave for not wanting to get treatment suggest the mental health system is not seen as providing safe...
No Improvement Found in Quality of Life Over Time from Taking Antidepressants, Say Researchers
Evidence continues to mount that antidepressants are ineffective, harm brain function and carry risks of serious side...
March is Brain Injury Awareness Month: Human Rights Group Calls for the Banning of Brain-Damaging Electroshock
Brain injuries can be caused by electric shock and seizures, two key elements of electroshock, a psychiatric procedure...
New Review of Evidence Recommends Slow Tapering When Discontinuing Antidepressants
Even a gradual tapering does not ensure that withdrawal symptoms will be completely avoided. A review of the most...
Doctors Have No Clear Guidance for Tapering Patients Off Antidepressants Without Withdrawal Symptoms That Can Be Severe
Researchers found patients may be unable to bear the withdrawal symptoms and so give up on discontinuation, resulting...
Failure of Antidepressants and Electroshock Starts with False Theory of Chemical Imbalance in the Brain, Researchers Say
Research finds no proof of any brain disorder that antidepressants and electroshock supposedly target and no proof of...
Doctors Advised to Curb Antidepressant Prescribing Due to Questionable Benefits, Risk of Side Effects Persisting
Antidepressant adverse effects and withdrawal symptoms can continue after quitting, including sexual dysfunction,...
Researchers Recommend New Approaches to Depression, Replacing Reliance on Antidepressants
Antidepressants lack efficacy for most patients, while exposing them to the risks of serious side effects and...