Veterans Day is a time to honor those who served in the U.S. military and to recommit to safe and effective treatments...
Depression Articles
Long-Term Antidepressant Use May Double the Risk of Heart Disease, Researchers Say
New study adds to the harms associated with antidepressants; other research debunks the chemical-imbalance rationale...
National Suicide Prevention Month: Researchers Continue to Find that Suicide is a Real Risk of Antidepressants
Consumers need to know about the increased risk of suicide from antidepressants so they can make fully informed...
Suicide Prevention Week: Antidepressants Increase the Risk of Suicidal Thoughts and Actions, Researchers and FDA Say
Recent research finds no scientific basis for the chemical imbalance theory of depression and calls into question the...
Patients Taking Antidepressants Are Only Slightly More Likely to Improve Than Those Taking Placebos, Study Finds
Patients should discuss with their physicians the reportedly small potential for benefit versus the risk of harm...
Justice for Millions of Americans Prescribed Antidepressants for a Chemical Imbalance of the Brain that Doesn’t Exist?
A new report details the history of the fraudulent promotion of the unproven theory and the possible grounds for a...
Watchdog Group Urges Mental Health Websites to Remove References to Discredited Chemical Imbalance Theory of Depression
Research over 50 years has failed to find proof that any brain chemical imbalance causes depression. The latest study...
Comprehensive New Study Finds No Scientific Evidence of a Chemical Imbalance in the Brain Causing Depression
The research undermines the basis for prescribing SSRI antidepressants. Other research faults the psychiatric...
Screening Teens for Depression Does Not Reduce Suicidal Behavior, Study Finds
New research undermines the primary reason for the screening and lends support to concerns it leads to overdiagnosing...