New research provides additional evidence that off-label prescribing of antipsychotic drugs for elderly patients with...
Antipsychotics Articles
CCHR Calls Attention to New Research Finding More Serious Risks to Elderly Dementia Patients from Antipsychotic Drugs
Citizens Commission on Human Rights calls for government action to make prescribers and caregivers of the elderly...
CCHR Calls Attention to New Reports on Risks of Antipsychotic Drugs, Including Loss of Self-Identity
How antipsychotic drugs are used is challenged by research reporting on the negative effect on patients’ sense of self...
CCHR Issues Alert on Mortality Risk of Psychiatric Drugs After Researcher Estimates They Are Third Leading Cause of Death in U.S.
Hospital records and coroners’ reports often record deaths linked to prescription drugs as due to natural or unknown...
CCHR Renews Call for Laws to Prohibit Restraining Children with Drugs After Use in Psychiatric Facilities Rose 141%
Young, male, Black, and economically disadvantaged children were disproportionately restrained with antipsychotic...
Psychiatric Diagnoses, Treatment with Psychiatric Drugs Linked to Worse Socioeconomic Outcomes for Patients, Study Finds
Psychiatric diagnoses and drugs were linked to lower income, increased unemployment, greater likelihood of being...
Antipsychotics Overprescribed to Seniors with Dementia in Home Health Care, Despite Serious Risks, Study Indicates
Antipsychotic use by elderly with dementia was also linked to worse outcomes in performing their activities of daily...
Devastating Movement Disorders Caused by Antipsychotic Drugs Not Listed for Discussion at Psychiatrists’ Annual Meeting
Many of the 11 million Americans taking antipsychotics were never told of the risk of developing uncontrollable...
Extreme Heat Alert: Many Common Psychiatric Drugs Can Increase Patients’ Risk of Heat-Related Illness
Current heat wave in U.S. South adds to risk of heat exhaustion and heat stroke in those taking certain psychiatric...