Patients should discuss with their physicians the reportedly small potential for benefit versus the risk of harm...
Antidepressants Articles
Justice for Millions of Americans Prescribed Antidepressants for a Chemical Imbalance of the Brain that Doesn’t Exist?
A new report details the history of the fraudulent promotion of the unproven theory and the possible grounds for a...
Watchdog Group Urges Mental Health Websites to Remove References to Discredited Chemical Imbalance Theory of Depression
Research over 50 years has failed to find proof that any brain chemical imbalance causes depression. The latest study...
Comprehensive New Study Finds No Scientific Evidence of a Chemical Imbalance in the Brain Causing Depression
The research undermines the basis for prescribing SSRI antidepressants. Other research faults the psychiatric...
10th Anniversary of Aurora Theater Shooting: After Taking Psychotropics, Shooter Felt “No More Fear, Hatred Unchecked”
CCHR calls for disclosure of mass killers’ history of psychiatric drugs, many of which are likely among the 31...
Why So Many Mass Killings? An Investigation of the Role of Psychiatric Drugs’ Side Effect of Violence Is Long Overdue
CCHR calls for mandatory toxicology tests for perpetrators of horrific acts of violence to investigate the link to...
National PTSD Awareness Day: Time to Commit to Better Treatment for Our Vets and Others Who Experience Traumatic Events
Government promotion of antidepressants for PTSD fails to of the increased risk of suicide and other adverse effects...
New Research Links Mothers’ Antidepressant Use During Pregnancy to Increased Risks of Adverse Outcomes for Their Babies
Women taking antidepressants who anticipate having a baby are advised to discuss these risks with their physicians....
No Improvement Found in Quality of Life Over Time from Taking Antidepressants, Say Researchers
Evidence continues to mount that antidepressants are ineffective, harm brain function and carry risks of serious side...