Notable New York City activists speak at opening of Citizens Commission on Human Rights’ exhibit exposing sordid...
Involuntary Treatment Articles
Human Rights Group Marches in Protest to Demand American Psychiatric Association Denounce Electroshock for Children, Coercive Treatment, in Step with UN and WHO
Citizens Commission on Human Rights calls on APA to end the use of lucrative but dangerous coercive treatment and...
CCHR Relaunching Campaign to Ban Use of Electrical Shocking Devices on Students, After Massachusetts Lawmakers Fail to Pass Bill
Citizens Commission on Human Rights New England is relaunching its campaign to prohibit the use of devices that the...
Mental Health Watchdog Protests U.S. Psychiatrists’ Use of Electroshock; Procedure Violates International Human Rights Standards When Forcibly Administered
Psychiatrists perform electroshock on patients, especially women and older people, despite risks of brain damage and...
CCHR Renews Call for Ban on Restraint and Seclusion After New Report of School Districts Ignoring Reporting Requirements
The number of schoolchildren subjected to restraint or seclusion is unknown. No federal law bans the practices, which...
CCHR Renews Call for Laws to Prohibit Restraining Children with Drugs After Use in Psychiatric Facilities Rose 141%
Young, male, Black, and economically disadvantaged children were disproportionately restrained with antipsychotic...
Under International Pressure, Psychiatrists Forced to Confront Ending Coercive Mental Health Practices
New evidence of the extent of and harm from involuntary mental health treatment emerges, as efforts continue to...
CCHR Calls on Congress to Align U.S. with International Human Rights Standards and End Coercive Mental Health Treatment
Research indicates coercive practices negatively impact physical and mental health, often compounding a person’s...
CCHR Warns New Study Indicates Black Patients in Psychiatric Facilities More Likely to Be Restrained and For Longer
Researchers suggest the racial disparity may be evidence of systemic racism in psychiatry, call for measures to reduce...